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    Shadow visits are available on the secondary campus. Please complete the following form to arrange for your child to shadow a current FCS student. Your child will be shown around the campus and have the opportunity to experience FCS first-hand, including attending class and meeting his or her future classmates.

    On the day of your visit, plan to arrive at 7:50 AM. The parent must sign in the student at the Secondary Campus Office, located in the one-story building next to the athletic field. The student will need to be signed-out from this same location at 11:40 AM. Dress code guidelines will be sent prior to the shadow visit. When you check in, don’t forget to ask for a food and drink voucher redeemable at the student store during lunch.

    Shadowing is available from 8:00 AM to 11:40 AM Monday through Friday with at least a 72-hour notice, excluding special-schedule days (some Wednesdays will not be available due to Chapel schedule). Shadowing is not available from the second week of May until the end of August, after the first week of December, and the first two weeks of January (specific to high school shadow visits only).

    Shadow visits are available for individual students only. If you wish to schedule a visit for a group of students, you can arrange a tour by contacting the Admissions Office at 510.744.2241 or

  • Student Information

Big-School Opportunities in a Small-School Environment